Sea Wall
Frequently Asked Questions
Sea Walls
Q: We have waterfront property and see that there is no soil next to the seawall on the property side. How can we fix that?
A: We use a Hydro foam that can be injected under sidewalks next to the seawall that will fill those voids and cracks that may be in the wall.

Q: Do you cover Galveston?
A: Yes. We cover all of Galveston and the surrounding areas.
Q: Can you use foam against the seawall where the fabric is damaged or missing?
A: Yes, our foam is design just for those types of applications.
Q: Do you work on rental properties?
A: Yes, we work directly with homeowners, as well as contractors to void fill, seal leaks, and lift any needed structure.
Q: Can you only seal concrete seawalls?
A: No, we have been successful in sealing large gaps in boulders that were used as a sea wall. We can create a plan to fix your leaking sea wall.
Q: We use our waterfront property as an Airbnb. Do we have to block out time for the repairs to be conducted?
A: Depending on the repairs we can create a game plan that works around your schedule. For some of the more complex jobs that may take multiple days we can do those in the off season or phase the project.
Q: Do you offer a warranty?
A: We offer a free 2-Year Limited Warranty.